Telegram Inline Searches

Telegram Inline Searches

This tool allows you to create inline searches with the ability to specify a category for each output result.



To get started, go to BotFather and select bot settings.

Click Inline Mode > Turn on.


Then go to Growth Tools


and create a search


Then create categories


In our example, these will be positions in the restaurant menu.


Then go back a step and create search results



Upload a product image, enter a title, description, select a category


Specify the action that will be performed for the user after selecting this product


In the funnel, switch to Telegram channel mode


Select the button type “Telegram Inline Search” and specify the category that will open after clicking on this button



In order for the user to see the menu, he must be subscribed to this search using an action.

The user can be subscribed to several searches at the same time, if the search text is not specified inline, all results will be displayed.




You can also unsubscribe a user from a search


For example, you have promotional offers on your menu that will be available only on certain days. You can send a broadcast with sample content: