Google Sheets Integration

Google Sheets Integration

To get started, you need to connect Google Sheets.

We can perform actions such as insert a row, update a row, get a row by value, update from a Google sheet cell.


To work with data from a table, you need to create the table itself, a sheet, and headings. Headers are used to map variables to columns in Google Sheets.


It`s important! For the integration to work correctly, the table headers must not contain empty columns or columns with the same name.


Let's insert a row. We need to select a table, a worksheet, and also make a comparison of the necessary variables with the columns in the table. Pay attention to the userid variable - this is a unique system variable that corresponds to the user ID in Smart Sender. This can be useful when you need to get a string by value. Therefore, we recommend adding it to the table.


If we need to update existing data in Google Sheets with data from Smart Sender, we need to select a table, a sheet, and also select a search column. In the example below, we will search for a row by USER ID, and then specify the variables whose value needs to be updated in the table. It`s important! If any of the variables is not specified, there will be an empty cell in its place in the table.


The get row by value action works logically exactly like the action above, only here we are updating the data in the Smart Sender with data from Google Sheets.


We can also update a specific Smart Sender variable with data from one specific cell from the second row of Google Sheets. For example, your accountant updates your commercial rate in a Google spreadsheet, and the bot reads it and notifies your customers. Or you can update the value of product balances and the bot will update these values ​​for users.

Please note: the Google API is only able to process 250 requests every 100 seconds. All requests above this limit won't be processed and this may affect your automation.