Update/Reset Variable

Update/Reset Variable

The reset variable action allows you to clear the value of the variable


To update variables, select the update variable action.


Then select a variable (1), select the required action (2). In the example below, we chose to change the variable, so we need to specify a new value for the variable (3).


You can also increase or decrease the value of a variable if its type is a number. In the example below, we decrease the variable by 1000 and increase it by 1000. This functionality is convenient to use when creating tests and quizzes, when it is necessary to give +1/-1 points for a correct or incorrect answer.




You can also create a new variable value based on the values ​​of other variables, as well as use arithmetic operations such as: +, -, *, /, and brackets ().


Note that a variable can be empty (if it has never been updated or reset) and can have a value of 0 (if, for example, it was first incremented by 1 and then decremented by 1). Take this into account when building conditions.

How to check that there is no value in a variable (it is empty) - you can compare the variable using a condition, an example is below: