Skype connection

Skype connection

Follow the link Bot Framework and login


Then follow the link: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/ApplicationsListBlade

and click New Registration


enter the application name


copy the app id.


Go to the "Certificates and Secrets" menu and click the "New Client Secret" button. In the window that opens, enter a description and select the "Never" expiration date.


Copy the application (client) secret key.


Follow the link Bot Framework and fill in all fields.


Pay attention to the Messaging endpoint field, it must be copied from Smart Sender by scrolling with the Next button to the desired block. And also check the box next to Enable Streaming Endpoint.


You also need to insert the app ID. You copied it in the previous step.

Press Register after that you will be taken to a page which will indicate that your bot is running for Web Chat, you now need to activate the Skype channel. To do this, click on the skype icon below.


After clicking on Skype, go back and you should see that Skype is now active.


Go to your Skype bot connection settings, enter your app ID and app secret, and then click Create.


If all the data is entered correctly, you receive a message that the bot is connected successfully.