Widgets LMS

Widgets LMS

Click +Create, enter the name of the widget and specify a unique path - the name that will be displayed in the link to the widget. If it is left blank, the link will be generated automatically.


On the “Contents” tab, you can change the visual appearance of your widget by adding the necessary elements.


The text element allows you to add a description and visually change it


The code element allows you to add code to the widget

The field element allows you to add an additional field for the student to fill in. For example, a phone number. Filling in this field can be made mandatory or optional, as well as saved to a variable.

To create a contact in LMS, filling in such fields as name and email is mandatory


When a student registers for the first time using the widget, a password will be sent to the specified email address. It will be requested when you re-login through the widget. The student can change the password in his personal account or restore it.


The button element allows you to redirect the student to another URL or to the training payment page.


To set up payment, you need to connect the Payment system in the console, create a Product and specify this product in the Training settings.


The Messengers element allows you to direct the student to the chatbot. You need to connect the necessary messengers in the Channels section, create a Deep Link and select them in the widget settings.


After such registration, Contacts in Smart Messenger and Smart LMS will be merged


You can edit the content: add text, video (up to 10 MB), audio (up to 5 MB), image and other elements


To add an external video, for example from YouTube, use a Share link


The anchor element allows you to direct the user when opening a link to the right place on the page.

Add an anchor on the page and enter a custom title:


Add this name to the link after #, for example,



With these icons you can delete, move and copy items.


On the “Actions” tab, create actions that will be performed after a student registers using this widget.


On the “Statistics” tab, you can see the number of registrations for a certain period.


Also, statistics can be seen in the main section “Widgets”

If the widget uses messenger buttons, then the registration is considered completed when the client subscribes to the chatbot.

If the client clicked on the messenger button, but did not click start/subscribe in the bot, the registration will not be completed.