Contacts LMS

Contacts LMS

In the "Contacts" section you can see the list of students and information about them.

To create (add a contact manually), click +Create and fill in the details.


At the top you can filter contacts (1).

Click on Activities to see more information about the student (2).


Trainings. In this section you can sign a student for training


restrict access to training by time for this student




withdraw access to the training in this student


see the reason for subscribing to the training


and also see the statistics for the lessons


Tests. In this section, you can sign a student for a test


withdraw access to the test


and also see the maximum score and the history of passing the test.



Groups. In this section, you can manually add a user to a group


and also remove from the group (1) and view the history of actions (2)


Answers. In this section, you can see the student's answers to tasks, their status and statistics.




Feedbacks statistics.