

Click +Create


Enter a title and description


Choose the settings you want


Test time limit. After the time expires, the test ends.


How many seconds will the test result be displayed


Show only a certain number of questions from all that are in the test. For example, 50 questions are created. You want to show the user only 20 of them.


The results of the answers to the question can not be shown (just go to the next question)



Show correct answer


Show specified text

Show if the selected one is correct

Show both text and correct option



Show in results


You can also create a text (optional) that will be shown to the student after passing the test

To create questions, go to the "Questions" tab. Write a question and click add


Open question settings (1)

Add an image for the question (optional) (2)

Specify the number of points that the student will receive for the correct answer / answers, if there are several (3)

Check the box if there are multiple correct answers (4)

Click the button to add answer options (5)


Enter the answer option, the number of points for this answer and check the box if the answer is correct


You can check the display of questions using the preview


In the "Responses" tab, you can customize the answer for the student after passing the test, depending on the number of points scored. For example, 0-3 is bad, 4-7 is good, 8-10 is excellent…


In the "Answers" tab you can see the statistics of answers to questions