Recurring and one-click payments

Recurring and one-click payments

Before starting work, make sure that your payment system has the ability to recarry and your merchant has access to this operation

To set up recurring payments, while in the console, go to the products menu.


Select "Subscriptions" in the top menu







Click on the "Create" button

Fill in all the fields. Where:

1 - The name of your subscription

2 - After how many days to write off. For example, if you put 10. The system will charge your subscriber's card every 10 days.

3 - Number of attempts. If the write-off of the recurring payment was not successful, the system will try to carry out the write-off for a specified number of days. The write-off takes place every knock at 8:00 in the UTC +0 time zone

4 - Select a product and its entity. The entity determines the cost of the subscription (the amount that will be charged)

5 - Date of termination of the recurring subscription.

After creation, the subscription will be displayed in the list

In order to subscribe a person to a recurring payment, you need to add the “Subscribe to recurrent” button in the funnel in the Block - Send message block

And then Select the desired subscription and payment system

After the first payment, the card with which the payment was made will be attached to the user.

This data can be viewed by clicking on the user in the Contacts section

In the Block - Condition, you can check whether the subscriber's card is linked or not.

And he is also subscribed to one or another recurrent

In the funnel, perform actions, you can sign a client for recurrence if he already has a card tied up.

And also unsubscribe from the recurrence

In Rules, you can perform actions based on the following triggers:

Stopping a recurrent subscription is an event that occurs after the number of unsuccessful attempts to debit a subscriber's card that you specify.

The start of a recurrent subscription is the first successful payment that initializes the recurrent subscription.

End of recurrent subscription - the onset of the end date of the subscription specified by you.

Renewal of a recurring subscription - any successful next recurring payment after the first initializing payment.

Attempt of recurring subscription - Transition to the payment system for making the first initializing payment.

Successful payment for a recurring subscription - all successful payments, including the first and subsequent payments.

Slow payment for a recurring subscription - any unsuccessful payment, including the first and subsequent payments.

You can also make one-click payments if the user has a card linked, as well as classically send it to the payment system if the card is not linked.


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